Heyyy Lovelies, Its been a long time since I posted. Hope you are all doing good, health fanatics!
I have observed that now a days I am using lot of social media apps like Instagram, snapchat. I end up spending on average 3-4 hours a day on these apps. Which is making me lethargic, and less productive. Which in turn is taking away my interests from mundane activities.
Well, after little bit of research I found out that it happens because of a feel-good hormone, Oxytocin which increases when we use social media. This makes mundane activities boring because the amount of oxytocin that gets released while using social media is much more than that of which is released doing daily chores, studying etc.
It is very important to realize that sometimes we need to disconnect with your social media to overcome the addiction. We need to set a timetable for our selves so that we stay busy the whole day and fight the urge of using mobile. Setting up a routine is important as it helps to break the addiction to the phone or the apps, helping us focus on other important things.
During social media detoxification, our body will be starved of oxytocin harmone and will look for ways to release it. This way even the mundane activities will excite us and make us feel good as our body will release oxytocin after being starved for a day. Bingo! We will feel so much better and lot more productive. To make sure this continues for long time and not just for a day or two, we need to have a timetable set for ourselves to use apps just for certain time and stick to the schedule strictly. In the end, we need to make sure that we are controlling our mind and our mind is not controlling us!
I will come up with the ways this social media detoxification can be done, in my next blog post. Meanwhile you guys can follow few of the below detox methods:
Delete the app
Set timer
Engage with friends and family offline
Create a hobby
I will follow a detoxification process myself and tell you all which one worked for me and why! Till then, please take care of yourselves lovelies. Have a good day!!!